
Monday, June 27, 2011

The scenes

Scene 1:
An old street. An shabbily dressed woman in her 30's, a baby in her arms. Looks around carefully in the dark of the night. Slips the baby in a fruit basket. She fades in the dark of the night.

Scene 2:
A hospital bed. A nurse dressed in white, a baby in her arms. Looks around carefully. Smiles a bit. Was it real. Slips out of the hospital.

Scene 3:
A Posh House. A rich girl in her teens, a baby in her arms. Looks around carefully. Cold eyes. Drops the baby in her car. Hurries outside. The car stops in an open area. Leaves it in under an old tree.

Scene 4:
A very shabby hut. A poor woman, a baby in her arms. Looks carefully around. Smile on her face. The child is hers.

Scene 5:
A leper. A baby in her arms. Looks carefully around. Drops the child in the well. Tears drop from her eyes. Smile on her face.

1 comment:

aarthi said...

nice description of the current scenario :) ruthless people!!