
Sunday, March 26, 2006

A Treat (chaos) to remember

First of all sorry to all those I did not call for the treat. Actually the list had gone too long (40+) and we(gabbar anguli and me) had a tough time finalising the list and keeping it as 'small' as possible. PD(Punjabi Dhaba) was financially the best place to have the treat(now that the LS is no longer cheap, atleast for me and add to the cost, the bad service).

the picture beow tells the whole story... (of the chaos)

What could have ended as the most chaotic situation in my life, ended only the most chaotic treat ever. Thankfully for Anguli, Gabbar and me, it wasnt a case of humiliation :)
I was sure of getting a lot of bashings for the chaos, but there were a few praises about the treat that really surprised me. I think it was the modesty of those who recieved the treat.

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