Tuesday, October 31, 2006
After an era of failure, realisations that i did not want to do what i was doing and bad performances...bout an year back.... I finally found something that i really want to do.... ACTUARY...
This is now my career goal.... so much so that i wud not hesitate to leave IIT if i felt that it is becoming a really big road block.....
But then there was something else.... WOODSTOCK
6 months back was discussing this idea with himangshu.... and at that stage i thought that getting data from the net and processing it needed huge huge programming knowledge... I regretted the fact that i din know how to connect to the net to get data thru a code :( I din know how to run a database manangent thing thru a software.. I had never heard PHP... even if i did.. it was like some extension that cud be opened by IE....
But just about that stage.. i started to learn PHP... This is the easiest coding in the world.. and still so powerful !!! Actually u dont need much brains... just hardcore boring coding..... oh... and abt 2 months back i had refused to do the woodstock thing.. because Actuary exams were scheduled in November.... And that is when Woodstock was supposed to start...... Now I find myself doing the coding for the same event..... Its been a satisfying experience doing the coding... but then Actuary's taken a back seat...
The exams are just two days from today... and this time my preparation is the worst ever for an actuary exam.... Fortunately... I do have the pleasure of having done something like woodstock so successfully... (Of course this would have been a distant dream.. had it not been for Akhilesh... whom i think is the most genuinely interested computer coding guy (other than the CS guys) .. who knows everything from XML to JAVA to AJAX to VISUAL C to ... whatever I had heard of...... )
But then the main reason for writing this post......
Pls Play WOODSTOCK..... atleast i will have some comfort that the Failure (almost certain even b4 i have given the paper) in Actuary which happens to be the last thing i want to have .... is not just for a trifle thing...
PS: Sorry for writing such a long boring nerdy blog..... (I thought that this is the worst i have written on this blog) but then there was a reason :)
Wednesday, October 11, 2006
IIT.... Need I say more?
These three letters are more powerful than probably anything else to prove that "u r someone worthy"
How false it all seems to those in IIT! Ask any IITian and almost certainly he will say things..
Infrastructure: 0/10 Professors: -10/10
This is not about this IIT or that... it's the same everywhere.......
But I differ... right or wrong i dont know... but there's something that keeps us apart....
I seem to find a comparison to my school... the one and only "DELHI PUBLIC SCHOOL R K PURAM"... Among 500 students who got admitted for class XI... I knew of no one with a board score of less than 90%.... Just imagine... Could it get better??? NO.... Today when I look at these friends of mine, I hardly find someone not doing well in life... Every second student there was a topper in his previous school....
So What's the point?
What this kind of competition(quality of students) does is that it takes away the (false ?) aura of being the best... It adds modesty to a lot of people... You will hardly find an IITian with the false show of being the best.... All the IITians know that there are a lot of people above them..... Some of them feel that they know nothing...
To me there is much more than that brand name that we carry... we may in general be the least sincere of the lot... but the 'output' is still much more than a general college guy..... come on... they study crap like vector algebra newtonial mechanics and matrices in their first year... (barring a couple of good colleges.. probably IIITs and ISIs)
What we study in a week is sufficient to pass the sememster exams... not just pass.. but get a good grades... and this is not because the papers are easy..... the standard of the paper is good..... (only some 'elite few' like me who dont even put in a week every semester end up with bad grades.... but even we pass (easily?))
About half the college is involved in some kind of fest or hall post.... does it help? not much.... then what's the point....
Then does doing all this extra acad helps? Yes it does... To me, a person with a good personality will end up much higher in his life than the ones who carries only good grades all his life.... One of my profs. had this comment... "You wont take your kid to school on your CG." How true indeed.
I fully agree that there is a lot missing in IITs... A lot of things could be better.... a lot of things need to be better... a lot of things need a lot of change and that too very sooon.... but then it isnt such a bad place after all....
PS: This post is for those who feel that the worst mistake was to join IIT.......
I am not trying to downplay the students of the other colleges... apologies for any inference of this kind......
Friday, October 06, 2006
To the Pseudos......

Now if u are one of those .... pls ask one of these to urself?
- wud u wear a I luv New Delhi? /I luv Bombay? Even when u have not lived there? (I luv Goa is not included ... Goa is indeed a cool place!)
- Were u to NY once in ur life and then u really mean u luv it and want to spend the rest of ur life there?
Friday, September 29, 2006
Do u know me?
- I would like to be remembered as a good man rather than a successful man..........
- I hate drinking/doping more than most other things.....................
- I hated Engineering..... (most of it) but the irony is that I run an institute for aspiring Engineers :D
- I am a Big fan of ... Sachin, Rehman, Amitabh and Aish in that order. (I think Sachin has gained prominence over the rest in a huge way. Rehman continues to be admired.. but he seems to have forgotten us :( )
- I love teaching more than any other thing these days. (I need to get a life :D)
- I dont like when people want to change me... (Love me or hate me for that!)
- I dont like reading in most forms.... be it novels or long essays or long blogs... Of the very little reading that I have done, I loved Madhushala n Jonathan Livingston Seagull (I Have started liking reading novels... Have read only Fountain Head and Kite Runner)
- I dislike people who are artificial n generally avoid them.....
- I Hate to study for the exams...... I really really do....
- I have always thought that people have over-rated me.... far more than what I am worth.....
- I generally make a lot of friends......
- I am very bad at chosing clothes and matching them......
- I generally dont see movies.... except a few ..... that i decide on the trailers.....
- I like to study about the Stock Markets..............
- I love the Great Indian Development story and hope that it last for another 100 yrs and beyond..............
- I admire beauty in any form.... but am more of a silent admirer.....
- I want to learn art someday
- I am a bit shy... when it comes to girls.......
- I dont like the new breed of bollywood actresses who thrive on nudity and sex.... I think that bollywood has shifted from sensuality to vulgarity........ and i really hate it....
- I cant live alone .... (without friends.... one of whom is my comp)
- I hate religious extremism of any form..... Hindu/Islamic/Khalsa/Christian etc...etc....
- I am a computer addict... and love most things that have to do with technology...............
- I Love(d ?) Mathematics......... Dont know if I still love it.... but i would like to believe that I do......... The only regret i ever had is of not having cleared INMO.....
- I have stolen a book from one of my friends in my school......
I will try to keep adding here... even though I dont think many people wud be interested....
This idea was taken from Sudhanshu's Friend.... Shreyas
Thursday, September 14, 2006
See i failed only once :)
A candidate for a news broadcasters post was rejected by officials since his voice was not fit for a news broadcaster. He was also told that with his obnoxiously long name, he would never be famous.
He is Amitabh Bacchan. (India's biggest movie legend)
A small boy - the fifth amongst seven siblings of a poor father, was selling newspapers in a small village to earn his living. He was not exceptionally smart at school but was fascinated by religion and rockets.
The first rocket he built crashed. A missile that he built crashed multiple times and he was made a butt of ridicule. He is the person to have scripted the Space Odyssey of India single-handedly.
Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam.(India's president)
In 1962, four nervous young musicians played their first record audition for the executives of the Decca recording Company. The executives were not impressed.
While turning down this group of musicians, one executive said, "We don't like their sound. Groups of guitars are on the way out."
The group was called The Beatles.
In 1944, Emmeline Snively, director of the Blue Book Modelling Agency old modelling hopeful Norma Jean Baker, "You'd better learn secretarial work or else get married." She went on and became Marilyn Monroe.
In 1954, Jimmy Denny, manager of the Grand Ole Opry, Fired a singer after one performance. He told him, "You ain't goin' nowhere....son. You ought to go back to drivin' a truck."
He went on to become Elvis Presley.
When Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone in 1876, it did not ring off the hook with calls from potential backers. After making a demonstration call,President Rutherford Hayes said,"That's an amazing invention, but who would ever want to see one of them?"
When Thomas Edison invented the light bulb, he tried over 2000 experiments before he got it to work. A young reporter asked him how it felt to fail so manytimes. He said, "I never failed once. I invented the light bulb. It just happened to be a 2000-step process."
In the 1940s, another young inventor named Chester Carlson took his idea to 20 corporations, including some of the biggest in the country. They all turned him down. In 1947, after 7 long years of rejections, he finally got a tiny company in Rochester, NY, the Haloid company, to purchase the rights to his invention -- an electrostatic paper-copying process.
Haloid became Xerox Corporation.
A school teacher scolded a boy for not paying attention to his mathematics and for not being able to solve simple problems. She told him that you would not become anybody in life.
The boy was Albert Einstein.
Saturday, September 09, 2006
The way I see it.....
I really hate people who smoke....
I really get pissed when a see some 'rascal' puke after drinking......
I really want to kill a person who puked/fell in the gutter the last nite and during the next lunch says that he was perfectly fine.....
Most of the friends of mine... even the ones who seemed to be very strong at their resolve have taken to drinking..... Unfortunately, some of my closest friends(even those of the past) find it good....
It might sound paradoxical but Madhushala is one novel i have liked most!!!
When I say drink/smoke it means anything more than once in a month....
I want to write much more on this one... but then who will read a 10000 word essay?
Thursday, September 07, 2006
This one is to help me know myself....
The Devil in me : http://kevan.org/nohari?name=nishantsah
or may be just to know what others think about me.....!!!!
Friday, July 28, 2006
No Blog.....
Wednesday, May 10, 2006
BGP/KGP.. which one is a lesser 'Village'
Alas.. No power for the frst 50 hrs i stayed here!!!! No power means no power.. Not for a blip!!!
Now I really have to decide.. Which one is a lesser village!!!
Saturday, April 08, 2006
Reservation, Politics and IIT's / IIM's
Firstly, I am not against reservation... It has its benefits and necessities... In a society, where dalits are still raped/murdered/beaten up n what not, their social upliftment has a necessity... They need to get respectable place in the society at the higher posts. To be at a higher post, u need to be educated... So it is important to educate the socially backwards so that they can do justice to the 'higher posts' they occupy. We must realise that they are not born to clean our waste.... But was 25% not good enough??
Marwaris are OBC's in Bihar.... Brahmins are OBC's in Rajasthan.... There are many such examples... I happen to be a Marwari from Bihar. Do Marwaris need any special status anywhere in the world... There is only one answer.. NO.
Is 50% of India deprived of basics?? Should reservation not be on the basis of Income rather than Caste? At the time when India should move ahead of the old 'voter appeasing' mode, the direction is totally wrong.... The man who took India under the path of reforms is now pressing the reverse gear.... Instead of bringing in reservation on the basis on incomes and doing away with the current reservation system, the HRD ministry has done the opposite...
Some people argue that reservation on the basis of income will give businessmen a huge undue advantage. Fully agreed. But the problem here with the Tax department and not with the idea itself.
What is indeed very striking is the fact that when women;s reservation bill has not materialised in even 10 years, this one seems to be moving faster than rocket.
When there is a urgent need to get more engineering, management & medical colleges, the good ones are being forced to death... When India seems to be pulling its head above the rest in the world after 300 years, it is our own Netas and their Mandal/Kamandal politics that is trying to push India back to where the British Raj had pushed us.
I just have one phrase for the netas... F*** yourself. Its high time that we stop begging. Rise to the occasion and use whatever media u can to stop this kind of rascalism from harming both our country and us.
Here are the links that you can use.... the other online forums I guess aren't as effective...
write to the PM : http://pmindia.nic.in/write.htm
write to the President: http://presidentofindia.nic.in/scripts/writetopresident.jsp
One last line for the politicians like Arjun Singh... Next time you have a poster shoot for the election.... get your ass on the poster not your face...
Thursday, March 30, 2006
Sunday, March 26, 2006
A Treat (chaos) to remember
the picture beow tells the whole story... (of the chaos)

What could have ended as the most chaotic situation in my life, ended only the most chaotic treat ever. Thankfully for Anguli, Gabbar and me, it wasnt a case of humiliation :)
I was sure of getting a lot of bashings for the chaos, but there were a few praises about the treat that really surprised me. I think it was the modesty of those who recieved the treat.
Saturday, March 25, 2006
Story (un)told
The room was cleaned like never before... Not just the brooming but also the wiping!!!! wow just try to make an impression in your mind of 2 guys wiping(mind u not sweeping) the room for girls.... Yuckk...
It was 8 PM and they were all ready... The golden moment could be anytime soon... lot of 1st yrs and a few selected 2nd years.... Wow.... Time was moving .. but today it was too slow... they werent coming and time wasnt moving...
Alas it was nearing 9... they were seen sitting on the window of their room with binoculars.. No one knows what they were tryin to see... It was 10 and they were seen moving round in the corridor.... Did they give and invitation for the right time... Probably they had.. Bhalu and Kauaa were already making fun and Arvind after being sad for one full day had something to cheer about..
By 11 it was sure that they weren't coming and kauaa and bhaalu and arvind were making them more and more fruuuust... To save themselves from the humiliation, they went to cheddis for 3 more hours... but the embaressment wasnt going to end soon enough... was it??
Friday, March 24, 2006
Sunday, March 12, 2006
If u thought that Klueless was a piece of cake.... try this one...
I bet u will have a bad time at this one.... its called notpron
I tried this one.. could not get even a few.. I have quit this one.. see if u can try!!!
Friday, March 10, 2006
Perfect Description of the Stock Markets...Read on...(Even if u hate the Stock Markets)
It was autumn, and the Red Indians on the remote reservation asked their new chief if the winter was going to be cold or mild. Since he was a Red Indian Chief in a modern society, he couldn't tell what the weather was going to be. Nevertheless, to be on the safe side, he replied to his tribe that the winter was indeed going to be cold and that the members of the village should collect wood to be prepared.
But also being a practical leader, after several days he got an idea. He went to the phone booth, called the National Weather Service and asked "Is the coming winter going to be cold?"
"It looks like this winter is going to be quite cold indeed," the meteorologist at the weather service responded.
So the Chief went back to his people and told them to collect even more wood.
A week later, he called the National Weather Service again. "Is it going to be a very cold winter?""Yes," the man at National Weather Service again replied, "It's definitely going to be a very cold winter."
The Chief again went back to his people and ordered them to collect every scrap of wood they could find.
Two weeks later, he called the National Weather Service again."Are you absolutely sure that the winter is going to be very cold?" "Absolutely," the man replied. "It's going to be one of the coldest winters ever." The weatherman replied, "The Red Indians are collecting wood like crazy."This is how stock markets work!!!
Monday, February 27, 2006
Dont you pity this guy as well ?
Wednesday, February 22, 2006
Screwed Again!!!
(This one has been kind of non-news for the last few years...)
Sunday, February 19, 2006
Well begun... but half done???
Another student revolution?? after the Janta Party revolution 30 yrs back , the college politics was been aimed only at getting into the dirty game of politics.
This one is a new beginning.. Its the BharatUdayMission and it is already making some kind of noises. There is this political party called Paritrana
Here are some of the links that might enthuse you!!
Your take?? Is this Patriortism or ??????
A friend forwarded it to me.
I solved upto the 19th level(err.... well we solved it till the 19th level... there are 30... Took Bhaaloo, Chus, Hazarika, Kauaa and me to reach where we are.)
dont see the spoilers.. that will destroy the fun..
This one has been made by the students of IIM Indore
the general rules and stratergies are given here
Good luck ! !
Saturday, February 18, 2006
Murphy's Love Laws
2. If the person isn't taken, there's a reason. (corr. to 1)
3. The nicer someone is, the farther away (s)he is from you.
4. Brains x Beauty x Availability = Constant.
5. The amount of love someone feels for you is inversely proportional to how much you love them.
6. Money can't buy love, but it sure gets you a great bargaining position.
7. The best things in the world are free --- and worth every penny of it.
8. Every kind action has a not-so-kind reaction.
9. Availability is a function of time. The minute you get interested is the minute they find someone else.
P.S. This one was Jhapofied from the net directly.